1. As with Euthyphro, the first line of the Apology has a double meaning. There is the literal…

1. As with Euthyphro, the first line of the Apology has a double meaning. There is the literal… | savvyessaywriters.org

1. As with Euthyphro, the first line of the Apology has a double meaning. There is the literal meaning, and then a meaning that foreshadows what the dialogue is going to be about. The first line of Apology is “I do not know, men of Athens…” First, tell me what is the literal meaning of this first line. Second, what do you think the figurative meaning might be–what does this first line foreshadow about the rest of the dialogue? 2. What does Socrates say is his occupation (see margin number 20c and following)? How does the story about the oracle at Delphi help us make sense of Socrates’ occupation? 3. Why, according to Socrates, is it true that “I acquired much unpopularity” (margin number 23)? 4. Beginning at 24b, Socrates begins to address the formal charges against him. What are these formal charges? In the following four pages Socrates offers at least three arguments against these charges? Summarize one of the arguments that Socrates gives in his defense. 5. At margin number 35e, Socrates says that he is god’s gift to the city of Athens. What do you think Socrates means by this statement? Why would he make such a statement at his defense? 6. (margin number 36b and following) After Socrates is found guilty of the charges, he is allowed to propose his own punishment. What punishment does he propose? Why do you think he proposes such an outrageous punishment? 7-What are Socrates final thoughts on death? (38d and following) 8-Do you think Socrates was really trying to defend himself at his trial? Or did he have some other agenda? What might Socrates hidden agenda have been? Give reasons to support your answers.



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