1. Just as ethics explores issues to do with moral value, so aesthetics explores issues to do with a

1. Just as ethics explores issues to do with moral value, so aesthetics explores issues to do with a | savvyessaywriters.org

1. Just as ethics explores issues to do with moral value, so aesthetics explores issues to do with aesthetic value. True Fals 1. Just as ethics explores issues to do with moral value, so aesthetics explores issues to do with aesthetic value. True False 2. The idea that objects are aesthetically valuable if they teach us something would, if true, create a problem for the idea that art is just a subjective matter of taste. True False 3. If, by the Harm Principle, the State has a right to regulate some kind of action, then, by the Principle of Paternalism, it would have no right to regulate that same kind of action. True False 4. Someone who says that what is immoral ought also to be illegal would likely be a Legal Moralist. True False 5. Aristotle was a consequentialist. True False


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