5 . 1 – Submit Air Cargo Report 2 (PLG1) Goldratt, E . M . & Cox, J . (2012) . The Goal: A…

5 . 1 – Submit Air Cargo Report 2 (PLG1) Goldratt, E . M . & Cox, J . (2012) . The Goal: A…

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5.1 – Submit Air Cargo Report 2 (PLG1)

Goldratt, E.M. & Cox, J. (2012). The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement (3rd ed.)

You will submit two 8-10 page Air Cargo reports on a selected topic from a chapter (different chapter for each report), listed in the Airports Council International – North America Air Cargo Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. due in Modules 2 & 5. This guide has ten chapters which cover different topics related to the Air Cargo Industry. Select two chapters from the guide:


§  Chapter 2 – Developing an Air Cargo Market

§  Chapter 3 – Demand Forecasting Techniques

§  Chapter 4 – Air Cargo Facility Analysis

§  Chapter 5 – Financial and Management Strategies

§  Chapter 6 – Bilateral and Regulatory Issues

§  Chapter 7 – The Airport – Tenant Relationship

§  Chapter 8 – Airport Performance Benchmarking

§  Chapter 9 – Security

§  Chapter 10 – Alternative Land Use

Report Requirements

Review a minimum of ten articles written in the last five years in addition to your two selected chapters from the Air Cargo Guide. For each selected chapter, using Word®, write an 8 to 10 page report. For each report:

1.       1.Provide a thorough summary of the general content from your chosen chapter.

2.       2.Review and incorporate into each report a minimum of ten peer reviewed journal articles, written in the last five years, as current research progressed in the area.

Grading Criteria

Your papers will be evaluated based on the following criteria in conjunction with the evaluation rubric:

§  Quality and depth of content by demonstrating the understanding of the topic including its need, benefits, implementation challenges, real world examples, and best practices.

§  Organization of the report.

§  Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, appropriate labels on figures and tables, etc.

§  Use of correct grammar and evidence of proofing (i.e., no spelling errors); overall formatting (i.e., Times New Roman font, 12-pt, double-spaced); and meeting total page requirements.

§  Variety and documentation of references used.Format for citations and references must follow current APA format.(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Review the evaluation rubric linked in the submission assignment, for detailed grading criteria.

Due Dates

§  Module 2: Activity 2.1 – Submit Air Cargo Report 1

§  Module 5: Activity 5.1 – Submit Air Cargo Report 2

module 5.2 – Submit Fifth BOK Matrix, Artifact, and Summary


In this activity, you will submit another one of your artifacts, an associated summary for review, and an LSCM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix document. Review the complete details of this assignment on the .instructure.com/courses/73665/pages/body-of-knowledge-bok-matrix”>Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrixpage.

.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Pk39pT1b3QhG3yRumzwArMOrGG8i9rBL6ZF1CHZSUX7fUQ7wEgCyG_Fze4Rf03GXJg7dioeyG6PvHSlpmmkrxdbQvW_J9Gil3tfCUajHv4xbi2o3pB3kZd3lpjmVUUEbL5ar5m1elIvyjpVi1tH1SkJ1DgguRgx0ZI9qWQTIFDRwsJXKa5jczyQ=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486192/preview?verifier=DenW5Pew1Kmwj1vibHu7UUvoAwnF2FAAtbdyPCra” alt=”GlobalSupplyChain.jpg”>

1.       Two page summary report

2.       Supporting original artifact document

3.       .docx” href=”https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486164/download?verifier=ZzdqHjlfeMyqbSSBjSflnEzYtbwlZunS4DCowjcy&wrap=1″>Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix Template.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486164/download?verifier=ZzdqHjlfeMyqbSSBjSflnEzYtbwlZunS4DCowjcy&wrap=1″ title=”Preview the document”>.googleusercontent.com/proxy/JYHmJxyUCoUNZJ-3zMB3hKl82GnX_McL4fUiFUenNLLOeX_wOuVusoc161oKtxjvc3_jclYOwfexE15Wf7cXNX099IqM=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/images/preview.png” alt=”Preview the document”>document

The intent of this activity is to provide feedback on the artifact and assure the artifact fits well in the cell (row and column combination in the BOK matrix) it is assigned. The explanation on why you have assigned an artifact to a particular cell should be clearly explained in the summary. The feedback provided by the instructor should be used as a guideline to prepare the rest of your artifacts and summaries.


Use these acceptable file formats (.doc or .docx) for your documents. Save your three deliverables using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number or description: i.e. Firstname_Lastname_Artifact#. When you have completed this deliverable, submit your assignment to your instructor through this activity.

Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria on this assignment.

6.2 – Submit Sixth BOK Matrix, Artifact, and Summary


In this activity, you will submit another one of your artifacts, an associated summary for review, and an LSCM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix document. Review the complete details of this assignment on the .instructure.com/courses/73665/pages/body-of-knowledge-bok-matrix”>Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrixpage.

.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Pk39pT1b3QhG3yRumzwArMOrGG8i9rBL6ZF1CHZSUX7fUQ7wEgCyG_Fze4Rf03GXJg7dioeyG6PvHSlpmmkrxdbQvW_J9Gil3tfCUajHv4xbi2o3pB3kZd3lpjmVUUEbL5ar5m1elIvyjpVi1tH1SkJ1DgguRgx0ZI9qWQTIFDRwsJXKa5jczyQ=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486192/preview?verifier=DenW5Pew1Kmwj1vibHu7UUvoAwnF2FAAtbdyPCra” alt=”GlobalSupplyChain.jpg”>

1.       Two page summary report

2.       Supporting original artifact document

3.       .docx” href=”https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486164/download?verifier=ZzdqHjlfeMyqbSSBjSflnEzYtbwlZunS4DCowjcy&wrap=1″>Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix Template.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486164/download?verifier=ZzdqHjlfeMyqbSSBjSflnEzYtbwlZunS4DCowjcy&wrap=1″ title=”Preview the document”>.googleusercontent.com/proxy/JYHmJxyUCoUNZJ-3zMB3hKl82GnX_McL4fUiFUenNLLOeX_wOuVusoc161oKtxjvc3_jclYOwfexE15Wf7cXNX099IqM=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/images/preview.png” alt=”Preview the document”>document

The intent of this activity is to provide feedback on the artifact and assure the artifact fits well in the cell (row and column combination in the BOK matrix) it is assigned. The explanation on why you have assigned an artifact to a particular cell should be clearly explained in the summary. The feedback provided by the instructor should be used as a guideline to prepare the rest of your artifacts and summaries.


Use these acceptable file formats (.doc or .docx) for your documents. Save your three deliverables using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number or description: i.e. Firstname_Lastname_Artifact#. When you have completed this deliverable, submit your assignment to your instructor through this activity.

Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria on this assignment.

Activity 7.1 – Submit Final Reflective Paper

In this activity, you will produce and submit a reflective paper examining your individual experience, providing a critical examination of your performance and what you can improve. Review the Reflective Paper page for detail instructions and requirements for this assignment.
Save your deliverable using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number or description: i.e.Firstname_Lastname_Reflection. When you have completed this deliverable, submit your assignment to your instructor through this activity.
Note: Upon submission, your work will automatically be evaluated by Turnitin. Written works submitted through this tool will be compared against Turnitin’s global academic database for overlap that could indicate potential plagiarism.
Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria on this assignment.
Overview – Requirements
For this assignment, you will produce and submit a reflective paper which examines your individual experience and provides a critical examination of your performance and what can be improved. Your reflective paper must address each of the following learning objectives:
Synthesis of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management program experience identifying key components and ideas which are present throughout the program.
Development of career objectives or after program objectives based on what is learned in the program.
Associate the courses with key components of a successful logistics or supply chain career.
Critical examination of individual performance, examining weaknesses and strengths to take advantage of and clarify opportunities for exploiting successful use of the degree.
Critical examination of the weaknesses, strengths and opportunities for the program to grow and enhance the student experience.
Your reflective paper will be 4 -5 pages in length, follow current APA format (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and submitted in Module 7.
7.2 – Submit Seventh BOK, Artifact, and Summary


In this activity, you will submit another one of your artifacts, an associated summary for review, and an LSCM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix document. Review the complete details of this assignment on the .instructure.com/courses/73665/pages/body-of-knowledge-bok-matrix”>Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrixpage.
.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Pk39pT1b3QhG3yRumzwArMOrGG8i9rBL6ZF1CHZSUX7fUQ7wEgCyG_Fze4Rf03GXJg7dioeyG6PvHSlpmmkrxdbQvW_J9Gil3tfCUajHv4xbi2o3pB3kZd3lpjmVUUEbL5ar5m1elIvyjpVi1tH1SkJ1DgguRgx0ZI9qWQTIFDRwsJXKa5jczyQ=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486192/preview?verifier=DenW5Pew1Kmwj1vibHu7UUvoAwnF2FAAtbdyPCra” alt=”GlobalSupplyChain.jpg”>

1.       Two page summary report

2.       Supporting original artifact document

3.       .docx” href=”https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486164/download?verifier=ZzdqHjlfeMyqbSSBjSflnEzYtbwlZunS4DCowjcy&wrap=1″>Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix Template.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486164/download?verifier=ZzdqHjlfeMyqbSSBjSflnEzYtbwlZunS4DCowjcy&wrap=1″ title=”Preview the document”>.googleusercontent.com/proxy/JYHmJxyUCoUNZJ-3zMB3hKl82GnX_McL4fUiFUenNLLOeX_wOuVusoc161oKtxjvc3_jclYOwfexE15Wf7cXNX099IqM=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/images/preview.png” alt=”Preview the document”>document

The intent of this activity is to provide feedback on the artifact and assure the artifact fits well in the cell (row and column combination in the BOK matrix) it is assigned. The explanation on why you have assigned an artifact to a particular cell should be clearly explained in the summary. The feedback provided by the instructor should be used as a guideline to prepare the rest of your artifacts and summaries.


Use these acceptable file formats (.doc or .docx) for your documents. Save your three deliverables using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number or description: i.e. Firstname_Lastname_Artifact#. When you have completed this deliverable, submit your assignment to your instructor through this activity.
Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria on this assignment.
module 8.1 – Submit Capstone Portfolio and Student Release Form


The content of the comprehensive capstone portfolio shall consist of a very detailed PowerPoint®presentation prepared by the student.


Students will submit a comprehensive capstone portfolio PowerPoint®presentation and must include between 35-48 slides using 14 pt type font, as follows:
.googleusercontent.com/proxy/0RYvyM5CTi1eCvJlwHpfmtV_FKK1QxWsPGWTVkBBv_zwO2b9TsazQzg2MCaumrJyHKCPyk0XEmEJm46xdBMTdc7g1q7xJZCPY9pX6o5CUwr_I_WC6XYo=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13486154/preview” alt=”Puzzle-Piece.jpg”>

1.       Title Page (1 slide)

2.       Outlined Table of Contents (1 slide)

3.       Introduction (1 slide)

4.       Knowledge gained and personal take on the BOK Matrix paper assignments (2 slides*)

5.       Knowledge gained and personal take on the Air Cargo Reports assignments (2 slides*)

6.       Knowledge gained and personal take on the Professional Certification assignment (1-2 slides)

7.       Knowledge gained and personal take on the TOC and SCM assignment (2 slides*)

8.       Knowledge gained and personal take on the Emerging Trends in LSCM assignment (2 slides*)

9.       List/Table of the 10 course numbers & titles completed in the student’s M.S. in LSCM program plan (1 slide)

10.   A comprehensive technical review of four out of the eight core/major courses in the student’s program with real-world examples/problems/solutions (4-6 slides per course = 16-24 total slides*)

11.   Learning gained from the process of performing course projects and assignments (1-2 slides)

12.   Future professional/academic/certification plans and how the M.S. in LSCM from ERAU will help pave the way. This content can be summarized from the PCP assignment(1-2 slides)

13.   Recommendations to the Department of Decision Sciences (1-2 slides)

14.   Closing remarks (1 slide)

15.   References (1-2 slides)

16.   Signed and dated Student Release form (insert as last slide)

* = very detailed explanation required.

GCP Portfolio Student Release Form

You will complete the.pptx” href=”https://erau.instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13634597/download?wrap=1″>GCP Portfolio Student Release form (pptx).instructure.com/courses/73665/files/13634597/download?wrap=1″ title=”Preview the document”>.googleusercontent.com/proxy/JYHmJxyUCoUNZJ-3zMB3hKl82GnX_McL4fUiFUenNLLOeX_wOuVusoc161oKtxjvc3_jclYOwfexE15Wf7cXNX099IqM=s0-d-e1-ft#https://erau.instructure.com/images/preview.png” alt=”Preview the document”>and include it with your portfolio.

Grading Criteria

The portfolio will be evaluated based on the following criteria in conjunction with the evaluation rubric:

§  Quality and depth of content by demonstrating the understanding of the topic including its need, benefits, implementation challenges, real world examples, and best practices.

§  Organization of the portfolio.

§  Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, appropriate labels on figures, tables, etc.

§  Use of correct grammar and evidence of proof-reading (i.e., absence of spelling errors); overall formatting (i.e., Times New Roman font, 12-pt, double-spaced); and meeting total page requirements.

§  Variety and documentation of references used. Format for citations and references must follow current.erau.edu/c.php?g=153774&p=1487405″>APA format. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Review the evaluation rubric linked in the submission assignment, for detailed grading criteria.
module 8.2


In this activity, you will submit another one of your artifacts, an associated summary for review, and an LSCM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix document. Review the complete details of this assignment on the Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix page.
Two page summary report
Supporting original artifact document
Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix TemplatePreview the document document
The intent of this activity is to provide feedback on the artifact and assure the artifact fits well in the cell (row and column combination in the BOK matrix) it is assigned. The explanation on why you have assigned an artifact to a particular cell should be clearly explained in the summary. The feedback provided by the instructor should be used as a guideline to prepare the rest of your artifacts and summaries.


Use these acceptable file formats (.doc or .docx) for your documents. Save your three deliverables using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number or description: i.e. Firstname_Lastname_Artifact#. When you have completed this deliverable, submit your assignment to your instructor through this activity.
Module 9.1
LSCM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix, Artifact, and Summary
In this activity, you will submit another one of your artifacts, an associated summary for review, and an LSCM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix document. Review the complete details of this assignment on the Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix page.
Two page summary report
Supporting original artifact document
Body of Knowledge (BOK) Matrix TemplatePreview the document document
The intent of this activity is to provide feedback on the artifact and assure the artifact fits well in the cell (row and column combination in the BOK matrix) it is assigned. The explanation on why you have assigned an artifact to a particular cell should be clearly explained in the summary. The feedback provided by the instructor should be used as a guideline to prepare the rest of your artifacts and summaries.
Use these acceptable file formats (.doc or .docx) for your documents. Save your three deliverables using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number or description: i.e. Firstname_Lastname_Artifact#. When you have completed this deliverable, submit your assignment to your instructor through this activity.
Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria on this assignment.



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