Berkeley Phase I Resource and Talent Consulting Finn Connective Questions

Business Finance

Background: The company you will be doing an online internship with is called The Connective. It was formerly called Finn Connective, ( You can visit their website to get a little information about what the entrepreneur that started this company is like and see some of the things he has done in the past. He is in the business of connecting companies with opportunities.  

The Model: The Connective is a modified business idea and the owner would like to test its viability. Currently, there are 10 Connectors who on a monthly-basis seek out the needs of their clients, friends, and relatives. If a need arises they will connect the individuals with one of the company’s partner businesses to see if the business can provide the service or product needed. If a deal is made and the two parties agree to work together the Connectors receive a percentage of the commission The Connective receives from the business. Connectors are basically sales people always trying to make a deal for the business partners.

Additional Information: Project Document 1 (not attached here; see Canvas) gives an overview of how the business works, discusses the concept and then gives some examples of actual Connectors and Business Partners. This is all confidential information used for this class only. 

  • The ConnectiveView The Connective’s website for primary source information.
  1. Are there other companies doing this online on a large or small scale? If so, what does their model look like? What do these companies look like and how do they operate?
  2. Who are the two major competitors for your client? Why did you select them? How does their model compare to The Connective’s current model?
  3. How competitive is this industry? Is the competition based on price or nonprice competition? 
  4. Who are the suppliers in the industry and what type of power do they have? 
  5. To whom does your client sell their product or service to? What bargaining power to these customers have? 
  6. What is the likelihood that customers will switch to a different product or service? Why? 
  7. What is the probability that new competition can emerge in the market and why?