Choose an issue in the debate over setting standards in K-12 curriculum, and discuss your issue in the context of the Avery and Pathak paper.

Business Finance

Homework Proposal #3:

Due: Wednesday, April 11

Level 3: (50 pts. max – about 3-4 pages)

Topic:Choose an issue in the debate over setting standards in K-12 curriculum, and discuss your issue in the context of the Avery and Pathak paper.

The Relevance to Current Events:Avery and Pathak target their paper specifically at the “school choice” and “school vouchers” literature, which is a topic high on our current Secretary of Education’s agenda.

Directions:Read the introduction, the discussion, the extensions and the conclusion of Avery and Pathak.Write up a discussion, in your own words, about how the one town model is different from the two town model.

Fun Stuff:If you would like more context for the vouchers literature, there are some additional references provided.