Concordia College Control Section and Marketing Plan Paper

Business Finance

Control Section & Final Marketing Plan

Marketing professionals use a feedback and control mechanism to monitor the performance of the marketing plan.

Control Section & Final Marketing Plan. The Control section is the final component for your marketing plan. The marketing performance must be monitored to ensure it is performing up to expectations. According to the SOSTAC® marketing template, specific monitoring metrics in this section include: the 5 S’s (sell, serve, sizzle, speak, save), key performance indicators, visibility testing, mystery shopping, customer satisfaction surveys, site visitor profiling, frequency of reporting, and a process for reporting.

This activity addresses the following module outcomes:

  • MO1: Examine how technology and innovation are created to meet the needs of the consumer (CO1, 3, 5, 6)
  • MO2: Discuss the future challenges of marketing in the 21st century (CO1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

Your final marketing plan should be Your assignment should be 6-8 pages and follow the APA guidelines (6th Edition) by including a title page, written in Times Roman, 12-point font, doubled spaced, use left justify, and with one-inch margins.