Diagnosing Skin Wounds Assignment

Diagnosing Skin Wounds Assignment

Diagnosing Skin Wounds Assignment

Diagnosing Skin Wounds Assignment


Week 8 assignment part 1 Assignment 1: Application – Diagnosing and Treating Skin Wounds Skin wounds are sometimes challenging for health care providers to diagnose and treat as many have similar presentations. For advanced practice nurses, being able to identify various types of skin wounds, including whether a wound is a colonization or an infection, is critical because it impacts recommended patient care. In your role, you must be able to evaluate skin wounds, determine the diagnosis, and develop an appropriate treatment and management plan according to current evidence-based guidelines. To prepare: Review Chapter 45 of the Flaherty and Resnick text, as well as the Burr article in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how to properly diagnose skin wounds in frail elders, including how to distinguish between a colonization and infection. Select a type of skin wound, such as bumps, bruises, shingles, herpes, bullous pemphigoid, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, etc. Research the guidelines for treatment of the skin wound you selected. Reflect on how you would treat and/or dress this wound. Think about factors that might contribute to the development of the skin wound you selected. Consider strategies for the prevention and improvement of this type of wound. To complete: Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following: Explain how to properly diagnose skin wounds in frail elders, including how to distinguish between a colonization and infection. Describe the type of skin wound you selected. Explain how you would treat and/or dress this wound based on guidelines for treatment. Explain factors that might contribute to the development of the skin wound you selected. Include strategies for the prevention and improvement of this type of wound. By Day 7 This Assignment is due. Note: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/templates). All papers submitted must use this formatting. Submission and Grading Information To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following: Please save your Assignment using the following naming convention: “WK8Assgn1+lastname+first initial”. Click the Week 8 Assignment 1 link. Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK8Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open. If you are submitting multiple files, repeat until all files are attached. Click on the Submit button to complete your submission

Source: http://www.savvyessaywriters.net/questions/health-care/572645-walden-nurs6540-week-8-assignment-part-1-latest-2017/
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