I will send textbook pages Must be completed by 3pm EST Group Discussion Assignment Please 2024


I will send textbook pages Must be completed by 3pm EST Group Discussion Assignment Please

I will send textbook pages. Must be completed by 3pm EST






Group Discussion Assignment


Please copy and paste your categorical propositions assignment in discussion board.


Please make sure that you write at least 3 to 4 paragraphs. You may also select a title or thesis for your essay. Please include information on chapter 4 in the textbook in your essay. Also, cite the textbook.


**Please include three citations and three scholarly journal articles of your own.


Make sure that you respond to two of your peers. Your peer response posting needs to be at least 5 well-written sentences. Also, include at least one citation and one reference from a scholarly journal article in peer responses.


**This discussion posting assignment is due by Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 11:59pm. Please submit your assignment early enough to allow for peer responses.