include the thoughts from technology professionals about where they feel this technology is headed in the future

The law firm that you work for are thinking about moving more business and communication capabilities to the cloud over the next year.1) Your supervisor would like for your to write a 1-2 page proposal outlining the advantages/ disadvantages of this growing technology and how they apply to the law firm.2) You are also to include the thoughts from technology professionals about where they feel this technology is headed in the future.The law firm that you work for are thinking about moving more business and communication capabilities to the cloud over the next year.1) Your supervisor would like for your to write a 1-2 page proposal outlining the advantages/ disadvantages of this growing technology and how they apply to the law firm.2) You are also to include the thoughts from technology professionals about where they feel this technology is headed in the future.




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include the thoughts from technology professionals about where they feel this technology is headed in the future was first posted on August 31, 2020 at 7:57 am.
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