interview reflection paper 1

Introduction / Overview (Who did you talk to and why?)

Briefly describe the job or industry you’re interested in, who you chose to interview, and why. Include a brief overview of the steps you took and how you set up the interview. In this section, include the individual’s name, job title, and employer, and college/university attended.

Image that you were me and doing a interview with a person(Manager of Bank of China) via phone. and write the reflection paper.

Summary and Highlights (What did you learn?)

Include a summary of the questions you asked and the interviewee’s responses in your reflection. Summarize and highlight at least 6-8 questions/and the responses that stood out to you. If the individual provided you with follow-up actions or suggestions, include those in this section.

Reactions and Conclusions (How are you going to use this information to help you achieve your professional goals?)

Include your reactions to the interview (the following questions are a guide for you to consider): What did you learn? What insights shared are the most valuable to you? Having done the interview, how do you feel about your options after SNHU? Do you still want to pursue a similar career to that of the individual? What steps can you take after the interview to work toward your professional goal(s)? How has the interview impacted your decision-making process?