Introduction Which global/environmental health problem did you pick? How many are affected by this h

Introduction Which global/environmental health problem did you pick? How many are affected by this h |

Introduction Which global/environmental health problem did you pick? How many are affected by this health problem on a given year. (Use latest yearly data). Is it fatal? If so, how many people die on a yearly basis? (Use latest yearly data). Any future projections of the health problem?

Societal Impacts of the Health Problem How does the health problem affect individuals? Physically? Mentally? What is the economic costs to society/country/individuals due to the health problem? What are the environmental effects from the health problem? (if environmental) What are the determinants of health which may cause/contribute to the health problem? Which geographical areas is mostly affected by this health problem? Countries/regions? Urban vs. Rural? Add any other pertinent information you think is important.

Programs/Policies Enacted for the Health Problem Are there any preventive measures taken against the health problem? Are there any government policies implemented? Are there any future policies to be enacted? Is there a treatment prescribed for the health problem? OR if an environmental issue how to minimize the effects?

Summary Just briefly summarize on the previous sections. Include what you think is crucial from each section.


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