Journal 8 Intelligence – Assignments Help Online |

Journal 8 Intelligence – Assignments Help Online |

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PSY 111-01 General Psychology Instructor: Dr. Shaila KhanJOURNAL #8 : Ch. 9IntelligenceDue on : Tuesday, July 14, 2020 By 12 midnightDO EITHER J#7, J#8 OR J#9TYPE YOUR JOURNAL IN DOUBLE      SPACE & SUBMIT      IN APA STYLEDO NOT TYPE THE QUESTION. JUST GIVE # TO YOUR      ANSWERS AND ANSWER IN SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS ( Ans 2A, 2B 2C) DON’T ANSWER      ALL IN ONE PARAGRAPH,YOUR JOURNAL SHOULD BE WITHIN 3-4 PAGESANSWER ALL FIVE QUESTIONSINCLUDING A, B, & C Parts .The Bonus questions are the same. Answer them only onceQ1 (A) Describe the Aptitude tests that you took in high school. Should these tests be used for educational tracking? Why and why not, explain.(B) Describe the smartest person you have ever known. What qualities does he/she possess? Do you think the person would score high on an IQ test? Or did she/he posses other kinds of intelligence?(C) All of us have talents that others may not have. What is yours? Describe your talent. How do these talents help you to deal with your life? (20 points).Q2 (A) Give reasons why and why not giftedness should be defined by high IQ or having special talents (or both) ?(B) To increase your chances of succeeding in today’s society would you prefer to be smart or talented (or both)? Justify your answer.(C) How about smart, talented, motivated , and being lucky? Give reasons.  (20 points).Q3 (A). List five traits that characterize intelligence (not behaviour but only traits/characteristics in one word) of a 6-month-old, 2-year-old, 10-year-old, 20-year-old, 50-year-old, and 80- year- old. (Use Demonstration INTEL 1:What is Intelligence? sheet) (20 points).Q4(A) List as many characteristics as you can think of to describe intelligent and unintelligentpeople. (Use Demonstration INTEL 2: Intelligent Versus Dumb sheet). (20 points).Q5 (A) For each seven type of intelligence name and describe a person you know (or know of) who embodies that kind of intelligence to you. (Use Demonstration INTEL 3 : Multiple Intelligences sheet). (20 points).ADDITIONAL BONUS QUESTIONS : (10 POINTS )ANSWER ALL THREE QUESTIONSQ1. Did you enjoy doing the journals in this course? Why and why not? State at least five reasons infavour of your answer (5 Points)?Q2.Which of the five journals you enjoyed doing the most? State your reasons. Was the course up toyour expectations (2.5 Points)?Q3. State what you liked most about the course and what you disliked most about the course  (2.5Points).HANDOUT INTELL 1Demonstration INTELL 1: What Is Intelligence?For each age group, list five traits that characterize intelligence.6-month-old 2-year-old1.________________________ 1.______________________2.________________________ 2.______________________3.________________________ 3.______________________4.________________________ 4.______________________5.________________________ 5.______________________10-year-old 20-year-old1.________________________ 1.______________________2.________________________ 2.______________________3.________________________ 3.______________________4.________________________ 4.______________________5.________________________ 5.______________________50-year-old 80-year-old1.________________________ 1.______________________2.________________________ 2.______________________3.________________________ 3.______________________4.________________________ 4.______________________5.________________________ 5.______________________HANDOUT INTELL 2Demonstration INTELL 2: Intelligence Versus DumbList as many characteristics as you can think of to describe intelligent and unintelligent people.Intelligent People:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Unintelligent People:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-__________________________________________________________

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