Justify whether Adopt-A-Farm is a product-driven or service-driven business structure in its… 1 answer below »

Justify whether Adopt-A-Farm is a product-driven or service-driven business structure in its… 1 answer below » | savvyessaywriters.org

Business architecture blueprints are critical planning elements in the enterprise. They use a notation that is easy to understand and does not require knowledge of standard modeling notations such as the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). A high-level business architecture blueprint provides a quick way to convey business architecture design ideas.

Various types of business architecture blueprints are typically required to help elaborate business requirements and represent business architecture at a high level. Michael Porter introduced the concept of “value chain” to capture the flow of activities that are typically used in a manufacturing business to transform raw materials into a sellable product (Porter, 1985). This approach is now used to represent the different functional components of a business which may or may not be applied in a sequential way. In other words, a business architecture blueprint represents the functional components of a business and quickly outlines the corresponding business capabilities.

The Value Chain and Business Capability Model provide additional perspectives on the business. Just as there are additional ways of looking at the business, there are additional blueprints to provide a visualization of those different perspectives.

In this Assignment, write a 4- to 6-page paper that addresses the following:

  1. Justify whether Adopt-A-Farm is a product-driven or service-driven business structure in its current state of business.
  2. Identify and document high-level business requirements for the current business structure model of the Adopt-A-Farm virtual business (http://media.waldenu.edu/media/Media1/MEDC4101/aaf_website/index.html) . Based on these requirements, create business architecture blueprints for the value chain and business capability model. You can use Visio, the Shapes and SmartArt features within PowerPoint, or any graphics editing tool that allows you to create and manipulate shapes to build your blueprints.
  3. Assuming Adopt-A-Farm moves its business to a cloud solution, how will the business structure model change?




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