moving this company into the global market

Business Finance

Why do companies go global?

  1. Sign up at the below link to view the pdf on “10 Reasons to go International” 10 Reasons to go International
  2. Read Ready To Go Global? 6 Tips To Help You Decide

What are Blue Oceans?

  1. Investigate the concept of Blue Oceans that focuses on the pursuit of differentiation and low cost while creating a new demand in the marketplace.
  2. Begin to read Blue Oceans Strategy
  3. Highly Recommended Read: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant by Kim and Mauborgne. This book presents an alternative to swimming in red oceans where competition is fierce.


Make a graphic on Microsoft word to share that builds a profile of the company(LimeBike co.)

  1. Include: mission, vision, organizational structure, corporate culture, product and services, resources available, and any other information you feel is important as you consider moving this company into the global market.

*******only do the assignment nothing else…two pages include the cover.