overcoming adversity paper

Using APA format guidelines, write an 8 page research paper utilizing 8 to 10 sources. At least two of these sources should be scholarly. Your topic should be related to cancer or athlete injury (ex. women with breast cancer). In the face of adversity, one person can make a difference. What makes some people more resilient than others? You may chose to focus on the particular adversity and on either one person or a group of people.

You will need to provide an annotated bibliography for 8 of the sources( not included with the 8 pages) : a descriptive and evaluative paragraph that informs the reader of the accuracy, relevance and quality of the cited source. Annotations are usually about 5 to 7 sentences long. Annotations are more than summaries because they evaluate the worth of sources on the list. Students should assess the appropriateness of each source to their projects and should take into account the reliability, bias, clarity, timeliness, etc. of the source.

Example 1: Wes Moore (author of The Other Wes Moore) attributes his ability to persevere through the adversities he faced (poverty, single mother, etc.) to three factors which made him resilient. Those three factors he identified were expectation, education and environment. (If you were writing a research paper about Moore, you would provide information on his background including his adversities and then explain through research how he demonstrated resilience. You may choose to quote from his book, speeches, and interviews as well as what research you find on the importance of expectation and education.)

Example 2: In the face of adversity, one person can make a difference. Despite being born to a drug addicted mother, being placed in foster care which eventually led to adoption by her grandparents, Simone Biles not only overcame her adversity but she continues to excel as a world class gymnast. Her resilience was developed through faith, supportive family and strong ambition. (If you chose to write a research paper about Biles, you would first explain how she is with some basic biographical information located from research. Then you would proceed to explain the adversities she faced (research backed information about foster care and sexual abuse) as well as documentation as to how experts says faith, family and ambition help people cultivate resilience.)

Note: Each paragraph within the research paper (except possibly the introductory and concluding paragraphs) should contain at least one in-text or parenthetical citation. These entries must match an entry in your Works Cited or References page.


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Requirements• Meets all req. of assignment • Follows format specifications (MLA/APA) with few to no errors

10.0 pts


9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis/Controlling Purpose• Lays out a clear, specific, arguable claim that governs the paper • Thesis is nuanced, complex, original

10.0 pts


9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Discussion• Facilitates reader’s understanding of complex ideas • Flows without interruption • Clarity contributes to ease of comprehension

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence & Analysis• Employed when warranted by paper’s claims • Uses most persuasive type of evidence • Analysis of evidence moves the argument forward

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Sources• Makes use of summary, paraphrase, and direct quotations, as needed • Incorporates sources without error • Uses signal phrases and discusses quotes’ significance • In-text references and Works Cited/References page correctly cite all sources

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization• Paragraphs well constructed (one topic, claim sentences) • Suits paper’s needs • Transitions function as signposts

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAudience Analysis• Understands readers’ needs • Controls tone • Provides context • Addresses counterarguments

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle• Sentences clear • Diction well chosen • No wordiness • Writing style improves the ideas of the paper

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, Punctuation• Clearly edited and proofread • Contains few or no errors

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Quality of Argument/Discussion• Paper is insightful, engaging, complex, relevant • Paper goes beyond class discussion in an intellectually daring way, surprising the reader

10.0 pts

Excellent/ Always

9.0 pts

Consistently/ Very Good

8.0 pts

Good/ Mostly

7.0 pts

Sufficiently/ Adequate

6.0 pts

Limited/ Occasionally

1.0 pts

Lacking 1-5 points

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0