Recent Question/Assignment Assignment 1ObjectivesThis assessment requires you critically analyse the

Recent Question/Assignment Assignment 1ObjectivesThis assessment requires you critically analyse the |

Recent Question/Assignment
Assignment 1ObjectivesThis assessment requires you critically analyse the system design process of a project using the theory and principles studied during the course. This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes 1 to 5.BackgroundChapters 1-3 of Blanchard and FabryckyDetailsIn this assessment, you are required to write a report which critically analyses the conceptual design phase of a systems engineering project. Projects might include designing a bridge, a dam, an environmentally-conscious building or a mechatronic system. You might not have been involved in the project personally, but some connection with the project would make the analysis more meaningful. Choose your project carefully because in assignment 2, your group will need to analyse the preliminary design and detailed design phases of the project. If you are unsure as to whether your chosen project has sufficient depth/detail, consult with your tutor. You will also have the opportunity to work on the assignment in the tutorials for the unit. Everybody must do a different project. Also, projects from previous years can not be reused.The report is to analyse the following phases of the project:Needs definitionConceptual system designTo demonstrate your research skills and understanding, the report must draw upon relevant sources like journals, books or reputable trade publications in analyzing the project. You must also present the case study in terms of the above two lifecycle phases and evaluate the proposed conceptual design against the identified needs / requirements.FormatThe report is to follow the format given below:Title PageTable of Contents.IntroductionNeeds definitionConceptual designEvaluationReferencesYou are expected to use the Harvard Referencing style for the Report.LengthThe 2000 (±10%) word length includes only the Body of the Report. It does not include the Title Page, Table of Contents, the reference list or any appendices.Assessment Criteria1. Introduction (5 Marks)2. Needs definition (10 Marks)3. Conceptual design (10 Marks)4. Evaluation (5 marks)5. Research skills (5 marks)6. Grammar and spelling (5 Marks)Weighting: 20%SubmissionMake sure that you are aware of CQU’s plagiarism policy and how it applies to group assignments.I am attaching an example project for your reference.


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