Respond in one or more of the following ways: Ask a probing question. Share an insight from having..

Respond in one or more of the following ways: Ask a probing question. Share an insight from having.. |

Respond in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

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Please include at least one references in the response.

Write a 50-100 words response to the post below:
Impacts of Stereotype Threat

Although, I have not experienced athletic stereotyping or the threat that exist with sports categorizing or labeling; however as an African American woman with dark complexed skin, I have suffered from the negative impact of stereotyping between dark and light skin women. As a little girl growing up, I was constantly reminded of how unattractive and unwanted I was due to the color of my skin. The exhibition of the stereotype threat was presented by other people of color, especially African American men. The words still ring in my ear, “I prefer a red-bone girl with good hair over a dark-skinned girl.” When a young African American girl is subjected to negative connotations and inferences regarding her appearance, particularly when she is unable to receive positive affirmations from her family and community, it affects her self-esteem and social identity. Allport predicted that members of a stigmatized group may respond with “obsessive concern” about being labeled and treated in terms of the negative characterization of their group (Stone, Lynch, Sjomeling & Darley, 1999). A challenge persist in a young African American woman to effectively and consciously identity positively to her in-group when the in-group is imperiling negative disincentives within the group.

Our African American history has revealed that under the slavery reign, extreme inconsistent cognitive behavior was implanted and inoculated into the culture to believe they were less than t Discussion PSYC 6204 – Impacts on Stereotype Threat Week 6 Discussion PSYC 6204 – Impacts on Stereotype Threat Week 6heir oppressors. It was a basic fundamental observation that dark skin African American slaves were placed in the fields to work and the light-skinned or mulattos were assigned to work in the comforts of the big house. Schmader et al. (2008) outlined, stereotype threat stems from cognitive imbalance that occurs when people’s positive sense of self is inconsistent with the expectation that a social group to which they identify should fail in a given performance domain (Rydell, McConnell & Bellock, 2009). Even currently, the topic of dark and light-skinned exists and continues to impact the stereotyping of preference based on the color tone of skin. As a result of the inconsistencies and rejections placed in dark-skinned girls ‘head, they focus on ways to become more acceptable by bleaching or decolorizing their skin, and others stay trapped in a negative perception leading them to make harmful and destructive decisions regarding their life.


Rydell, McConnell & Bellock. (2009). Multiple social identities and stereotype threat: Imbalance, accessibility, and working memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(5), 949-966.

Stone, Lynch, Sjomeling & Darley. (1999). Stereotype threat effects on Black and White athletic performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1213-1227.


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