sales and marketing 19

Global Markets – Sales and Marketing

Global marketing is the process of planning, producing, placing, and promoting a company’s products or services in a global marketplace. While this may include having offices or manufacturing sites around the world, the Internet has made it possible for even small businesses to engage in the international market without the expense of overseas sites.

Course outcomes covered in this module include:

[insert course outcomes]

Read the following in the assigned text:

Chapter 7: Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets

Watch the LinkedIn Learning course: Marketing Foundations: International Marketing with Doug Ladd

Watch the LinkedIn Learning course: Global Strategy with Anil Gupta

Watch: Top 10 International Marketing Blunders

Global Marketing and Global Marketing Strategies

Why would a company be concerned about global marketing? What are some examples of global marketing strategies? What happens when global marketing does not work? What are the results for the company?


  • Minimum Page Length – 2 full pages (excluding title/header and reference list); 12-point Times New Roman; double spaced; and page numbering.
  • Please be sure to answer the entire question to receive maximum credit for this task.
  • Use and include information from the weekly course content and outside sources to support the conclusions contained in the paper.
  • All sources should be cited in proper APA format (in-text citations and a reference list).