Screening and Assessment Tools – Assignments Help Online |

Screening and Assessment Tools – Assignments Help Online |

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This assignment will provide practice on utilizing additional assessments or screening tools to confirm the effects of substance use on the client’s life, determine the client’s readiness to address issues related to substance use, and determine potential risk related to suicide and/or violence.Assignment InstructionsIdentify how suicide risk is assessed or screened for.Provide examples of assessment or screening tools available to determine level of risk associated with suicide and/or violence for a client.Identify how to determine the appropriate level of care for a client in addictions treatment.Provide examples of assessment or screening tools available to determine appropriate level of care for a client.Identify how stage of change is determined.Provide examples of additional assessment or screening tools available to determine the client’s stage of change.Analyze what types of ethical considerations must be addressed when using the assessment or screening tools.What specific ethical codes are used to address these considerations?Assignment RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication must be free of errors such that the overall message is clear.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.Length of paper: 4–5 double-spaced, typed pages, excluding title and reference pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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