
short-answer-questions-4 |

1. Discuss the failures of the Article of Confederation that led to creation the the U.S. Constitution?

2. What is federalism? Describe the balance of power between the federal government and state governments. In your response you may want to discuss the supremacy clause, the 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments, as well as any relevant Supreme Court decisions.

3. What are the three branches of government? Describe what each one does in your own words and in a few brief sentences.

4. According to John Locke, in your own words, what is freedom, what is liberty, how are liberty and freedom related, how are liberty and freedom different?

5. Based reading the U.S. Constitution, describe each of the following:

  • One check or balance that the federal executive branch has on the federal legislative branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal executive branch has on the federal judicial branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal legislative branch has on the federal executive branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal legislative branch has on the federal judicial branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal judicial branch has on the executive branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal judicial branch has on the federal legislative branch.

Be sure to cite what article and section that each check or balance is found in the U.S. Constitution.


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