Standardized Recipe and Cost Sheet

Business Finance

In this assignment we will continue developing standardized recipe and cost sheets for the business concept. Remember next to the assignment instructions you will see a handout link to a Standardized Recipe Template/Costing Sheet to utilize for the recipe assignment. There is a link to a Food Purchasing Order Guide which has typical food items with purchase units and prices to assist you in costing out your recipes. The last handout link outlines the typical conversions utilized in a recipe.

Select the second recipe from W1 Assignment 2. Complete the standardized recipe starting with changing the Business Concept Name. Be sure to review the sample completed recipe and cost sheet next to the assignment instructions to guide you. Make sure you include all of the information, especially the measurements and detailed instructions on how to prepare the recipe. If the original recipe lacks a measurement such as “to taste,” try to estimate it. Remember you should use the largest measurement for the ingredients. For example, 8 cups of flour should be 4 pounds; 8 cups of milk should be 2 quarts or ½ gallon; 8 Tablespoons should be ½ cup (see the Common Recipe Conversions).

Next, cost out the recipe on the Costing Sheet Worksheet next to the standardized recipe. Use the Food Purchasing Order Guide to calculate the cost of the recipe. If you have an ingredient that is not in the Food Purchasing Order Guide, you will need to find the information or estimate the purchase unit and price. The goal is to gain practice in costing a recipe so focus on costing the recipe item versus price accuracy. Include sources for all of the ingredients’ pricing information.