statistical computing assignment

statistical computing assignment |

7001 COMPUTING FOR PRACTICAL STATISTICS | IN-COURSE ASSESSMENT 1 (2010/11 SESSION) Rules on group work: You are allowed to work on this ICA in a group of either one (i.e. alone) or two (i.e. with one partner) students properly registered for STAT7001. You are not allowed to change group after you have started working on the ICA jointly with somebody else. You are not allowed to exchange information, especially solutions, about the ICA with anybody outside your group except the course lecturer. Doing so may constitute collusion or plagiarism. All members of a group get the same mark.

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7001 COMPUTING FOR PRACTICAL STATISTICS | IN-COURSE ASSESSMENT 1 (2010/11 SESSION) Rules on group work: You are allowed to work on this ICA in a group of either one (i.e. alone) or two (i.e. with one partner) students properly registered for STAT7001. You are not allowed to change group after you have started working on the ICA jointly with somebody else. You are not allowed to exchange information, especially solutions, about the ICA with anybody outside your group except the course lecturer. Doing so may constitute collusion or plagiarism. All members of a group get the same mark. Students alone are responsible for forming groups. The lecturer will neither decide who works together, nor help with the organisation of such groups. General rules applicable to this ICA: Your solutions should be your own work and are to be handed in by yourself. Your work should be submitted as a single securely stapled bundle. Before you hand in your work, complete and sign the slip below this rubric, cut it o and attach it rmly to your work. When you submit your work, please make sure that Russell or Karen records on their list of students that you have handed in your work. Late submission will incur a penalty unless there are extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical) supported by appropriate documentation. Penalties are set out in the latest editions of the Statistical Science Department student handbooks, available from the departmental web pages. Failure to submit this in-course assessment will mean that your overall exami- nation mark is recorded as non-complete”, i.e. you will not obtain a pass for the course. Any plagiarism or collusion will normally result in zero marks for all students involved, and may also mean that your overall examination mark is recorded as non-complete. Guidelines as to what constitutes plagiarism or collusion may be found in the Departmental Student Handbooks. The Turn-It-In pla- giarism detection system may be used to scan…




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