The Vigenère Cipher is an encryption algorithm that combines the use of a keyword with the message..

The Vigenère Cipher is an encryption algorithm that combines the use of a keyword with the message.. |

The Vigenère Cipher is an encryption algorithm that combines the use  of a keyword with the message to be encrypted. A tableau is provided  that shows an encrypted character for each combination of characters in  the message and the keyword.

Using the Vigenère Tableau encryption scheme with a keyword of KEYWORD, encrypt the following message:


After encrypting the message, decrypt the following message, using KEYWORD as the keyword:


For both the encryption and decryption, show your work  in a Microsoft Word document to substantiate the result. For this,  create two different tables. The first table will have 3 rows and 30  columns. Each columword characters. The second row will  correspond to the message to be encrypted. The third row will  correspond to the encrypted message.

The second table will have 3 rows and 31 columns. Each  column will correspond to an individual character. The first row will  correspond to the keyword characters. The second row will correspond to  the message to be decrypted. The third row will correspond to the  decrypted message.


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