TSA Legal justifications for enhanced screening techniques and times when TSA has been restricted

Business Finance

Please see attached files for details, this is a group project but I am only doing: TSA Legal justifications for enhanced screening techniques and times when TSA has been restricted

This topic will explore legal and political considerations for the TSA to screen passengers at security checkpoints.Focus on some of the history of screening of passengers and some of the reasons the TSA was created for this job.Explore some of the conflicts that has reason and how that pertains to some of the legal issues surrounding search and seizures. How does 4th Amendment of the US Constitution pertain to searches and seizures? What are some of the tradeoffs between privacy, security, and safety?

Introduction and brief background of the topic as it relates to aviation

The legal/law context of the topic

Why it is important for today’s aviation environment

Any relevant conflicts about law or policy