
unit-5-journal-entry-for-meeting-planning | savvyessaywriters.org

In a minimum of 200 words, reflect on this unit’s Assignment and include in your reflection how environmental and legal considerations may impact your planning.

You are working for a city that will celebrate their 100th anniversary. The Town has put you in charge of hiring the staff needed and to oversee legal compliance. For this event you will need to hire extra help to ensure a seamless event. The event will be held outdoors around the city’s oversized pool which also has a large cabana. Starting at 6 p.m. on a Saturday and ending at 10 p.m. that night. Citizens will be able to swim as well as picnic under the stars. There will be food and sodas served compliments of the city as well some fireworks.

Based on the laws provided in this unit’s reading area, discuss how the following laws will impact the meeting planning:

  • Noise Control Law
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance Safety issues


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