Use text and web mining approaches to understand their usefulness for the enterprise data. Investiga

Use text and web mining approaches to understand their usefulness for the enterprise data. Investiga |

Use text and web mining approaches to understand their usefulness for the enterprise data. Investigate and use different web and text mining methods, and show how a data warehouse could be used to make decisions in enterprise settings. Specifically, read the case studies in chapter 7 and 8 (Opening Vignette, End Chapter, and Application Cases) and select 3 case studies from each chapter (5 total) to show how these can be used as examples in your company. You must explicitly mention the names of the case studies and 2-3 lines about the case study highlighting the key lessons.

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Overall Objective: Design and use BI methods and models to make decisions within a real life corporation (e.g., end of the chapter cases) used in the textbook.

here is the book link

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