
very-easy-final-draft-rough-draft-already-completed |

Writing a Complete Argument

I have put in the rough draft as an attachment

The rough draft has an argument defending and against

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Taking a Stand

For the final of Essay 2, you will take a stand on the issue you debated in the draft stage. You will construct as persuasive an argument as possible. Follow the instructions for Writing Assignment 7 in our textbook (page 91).

The objective of this paper is for you to have the opportunity to formulate a thesis, to provide development and support for your ideas and to demonstrate your ability to structure a clear and effective essay.

You will need five (5) references for this assignment. To refresh your memory, see the section in the textbook for information about conducting research. The essay must conform to MLA format, be 5-7 pages of text and include a Works Cited page. The final essay is worth 70 points.

If you did not receive specific comments on your draft arguments, you received full credit and should proceed to “take a stand.” Be sure to utilize appropriate MLA format and proofread your final essay carefully.

I will send pictures of the page.

********Quick additional assignment below******

For this assignment, read and summarize the Graham Hill essay on page 210 of Writing Logically, Thinking Critically entitled “Living With Less. A Lot Less.”

Be sure to follow MLA format guidelines.

I will send the pages to summarize after I chose the tutor.


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