week 7 discussion for three class


Theme 1:

Ambulatory care exists in hospitals and in free-standing clinics, surgical centers, and medical offices. Identify and explain key differences in the management of a traditional hospital and an ambulatory care center?

Theme 2:

What do you believe are the differences between patient flow and patient experience in an ambulatory care center and a traditional hospital?


Compare the quantitative and qualitative research in healthcare service. The answer may be in narrative or a table format. Provide the information on:

1. When each approach is used? Can they be applied to the same researchable question? Explain why yes or no.

2. What type of data is used for each research style? How the data is selected and processed in each research type?

3. What challenges in data selection researches need to be aware of? How to overcome them?


4.If you were to begin a research program that focused on gender issues, what topic would you select to study and why?

5.How do you think smartphones and other mobile electronic devices will change psychological research? What are their promises for the field? And what are their pitfalls?

6.What challenges do you see that daily-life researchers may face in their studies? How can they be overcome?

7.What do you think about the trade off between unambiguously establishing cause and effect (internal validity) and ensuring that research findings apply to people’s everyday lives (external validity)? Which one of these would you prioritize as a researcher? Why?

8. In your opinion, which contributes to gender in the nature vs nurture argument?