Write a Java program called WordMatch.java. This program takes four command-line arguments….

Write a Java program called WordMatch.java. This program takes four command-line arguments…. | savvyessaywriters.org

Write a Java program called WordMatch.java. This program takes four command-line

arguments. For example:

java WordMatch in1.txt out1.txt in2.txt out2.txt

1. The first is the name of a text file that contains the names of AT LEAST TWO text files

from which the words are to be read to build the lexicon (The argument is to specify the

input files).

2. The second is the name of a text file to which the words in the lexicon are to be written

(The argument is to specify the file containing the words and the neighbors in the lexicon).

3. The third is the name of a text file that contains ONLY ONE matching pattern (The

argument is to specify the file containing the matching pattern).

4. The fourth is the name of the text file that contains the result of the matching for the given

pattern (The argument specifies the file containing the output).

For this version, the efficiency with which the program performs various operations is a major

concern, i.e. the sooner the program performs (correctly), the better.

For example, the files read in can be quite long and the lexicon of words can grow to be quite

lengthy. Time to insert the words will be critical here and you will need to carefully consider

which algorithms and data structures you use.

You can use any text files for input to this program. A good source of long text files is at the

Gutenberg project (www.gutenberg.com) which is a project aimed to put into electronic form

older literary works that are in the public domain. The extract from Jane Austen’s book Pride and

Prejudice used as the sample text file above was sourced from this web site. You should choose

files of lengths suitable for providing good information about the efficiency of your program.

A selection of test files have been posted on LMS for your efficiency testing. You can consider

additional test files if you wish.




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